Random thoughts of a market maker

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Car Makers Get Help From Pelosi

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson that the administration should consider expanding the $700 billion bailout to include car companies.
-Associated Press

Between that and the $700 Billion Dollar man saying it was very possible. I think you're going to see some sort of package to help the automakers out.

It will probably include some provision to build a cheaper Hybrid or All electric car. We need to get to the point where MOST of our vehicles run on electricity. We have shit tons of coal.

Before now there's been all this blah blah blah about the free market. Now the capitalists are coming with their hands out to the regulators. Real change is possible in this moment.

Here's a video of the guy with the government checkbook. See for yourself.

It would make sense to make investments as needed rather than by rule, we have to watch and see what's going on here. Follow the money ladies and gentlemen.

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